The Göta Canal Trail

Ride the whole trail: Sjötorp - Mem

Bicycle boat Lake Vättern

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Par cyklar på Göta kanalleden

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Enjoy canal life on two wheels, along one of Sweden's largest construction works. Follow the boats as they glide by, pause to pet the canal sheep or swim from a jetty.

The entire Göta Canal is the very image of idyllic, Swedish summer. Here you can let yourself be fascinated by boats being lifted and lowered by a large volume of water in the locks, or just enjoy the tranquil natural environment. You can follow the boats as they glide along at 5 knots, stop and pet the canal sheep or take a dip from a jetty along the way. Treat yourself to good food in restaurants and cafes and stay close to the canal at a hotel, hostel or campsite.


The Göta Canal Trail runs from Sjötorp by Lake Vänern, to Mem by the Baltic Sea. It spans a total of 220 km and is divided into 7 sections that are between 15 and 56 km long. To help you find your way, the trail is signposted with red and white signs from both sides. You cycle half  the distance on the car-free canal bank and the remainder on smaller, asphalt country roads. You can also travel by bicycle boat across some of the lakes.


Welcome to one of Sweden's largest construction works and tourist destinations!