Exhibition, Norrkvarn workstation
Exhibition, Norrkvarn workstation
Exhibition, Norrkvarn workstation

Exhibition, Norrkvarn workstation

Here you will find out about early ideas about the Göta Canal and how the 300 soldiers lived during this period.

Product description

In Norrkvarn is a permanent exhibition that tells the story of the work station in Norrkvarn, VB9. Here you can discover old mechanical aids, find out how 300 soldiers lived in a big shack and experience early ideas about the Göta Canal.

Workstation in Norrkvarn
The workstation in Norrkvarn with its surroundings constitutes a large piece of canal history. The work station consisted of about 300 soldiers and commanders. They were responsible for the church of Lyrestad, 2 km northwest of the settlement, to Godhögen lock, 3.5 km south. The station was in operation between 1810 and 1824, when the works around Norrkvarn was completed.

Take a trip to Lyrestad
The housing barracks for the 300 soldiers, revolted in 1824, can still be seen today in Lyrestad. The harbor magazine there is built by the demolition. In addition to the housing barracks, there were a kitchen, a warehouse, a warehouse, smithies and stables.

The cultural trail
A great way to experience the whole exciting story is to follow the approximately 500 m long cultural trail, which starts and come back to the lock.

  • Street address
    Norrkvarns slussområde
  • City (address)
  • Opening hours
    Open during the Göta Canal high season,
    every day 9 AM to 6 PM.
  • Price information
    No entrence fee.
  • Phone number
    0141-20 20 50
  • Contact person email