Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp
Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp
Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp
Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp
28 Jul - 15 Aug

Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp

Take part in the history of the Göta Canal and the exciting history that recalls the shipping of past times on the Göta Canal, Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern.

Product description

Opening hours: 10-16 daily between 15/5-15/8

The exhibition follows Café Baltzar's opening hours

In the old red harbor warehouse in Sjötorp there is a canal and maritime museum. Here you can take part in the history of the Göta Canal and the exciting history that recalls the shipping of past times on the Göta Canal, Vänern and Vättern.

The museum is located in the middle of the community Sjötorp with the canal outside the junction and only 50 meters to the locks. With a bit of luck, one of the classic white canal boats that make a stop here will pass by.

Just outside the building stands Bengt Olson's memorial, erected for Göta Kanal's 175th anniversary in 2007.

Product Book Entrance ticket to the Canal Museum in Sjötorp